Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Marsh Mallow (Althaea officinalis)

Name: Marsh Mallow (Althaea officinalis)

Observation: The name marsh mallow is of course infamously known as the sweet white treat we all like to eat.  However, this flower looks nothing like the typical "marshmallow" we are used to.  I began to wonder if the treat and the flower were somehow connected and thought  how could they be this flower looks so drab.  After researching a bit I found that "
The root has been used since the Middle Ages in the treatment of sore throat.[5] The later French version of the recipe, called pâté de guimauve (or "guimauve" for short), included an eggwhite meringue and was often flavored with rose water. Pâté de guimauve more closely resembles contemporary commercially available marshmallows, which no longer contain any actual marshmallow." (, 2011).

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