Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nature Observation Blog-Development of the Circle of Life

Hello All:

This is my Nature Observation Blog which is aptly entitled "The Circle of Life".  I initially thought when given the assignment of having to blog about nature that developing a name for my blog would be simple.  I quickly found out it wasn't.  I think we assume "it's just nature" so let's name it something involving, animals or plants but when I thought of those things it didn't seem to fit.  My blog won't be just about animals and it will not solely be about plants so I need something that would encompass nature and all it's components thus the creation of the name "The Circle of Life".  As I travel everyday to areas that I frequent, I had not noticed how many organisms are simply just sitting there that I haven't paid attention to before.  I will be posting a picture later today of an organism that I saw on the wall of the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru that I frequent daily.  It just happened to catch my eye.  I was by the speaker in which orders are placed and that makes me wonder can it hear me?  Is an insect an organism?  Where did it come from to get here and will it go back to that same place?  If I'm getting something from the Dunkin Donuts where, how and does the organism eat?  Stay tuned for the post's about what we'll now call the "Dunkin Donuts Organism".  Before I leave tonight, I did research whether an insect was an organism and here is what I found is that an insect is an organism with three pairs of legs and three body regions, the head, thorax an abdomen.

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